Thursday, September 10, 2015

Homeless in America

Homelessness in America
            Waste of space, slob, low life. These are only some of the names that we as “ordinary people” call the homeless. As a society we forget that the very same people we look down upon were once like us. They had homes and jobs, they paid bills and stressed over rent; and then they stumbled and fell onto the streets. They are fathers, brothers, sons, husbands, wives, sisters, daughters and mothers. 

Yet because of how much we care for the appearance of people, we choose to forget that, 
-I can see this being an opening to a section on negative stereotypes and representations of those who are homeless.  I specifically can see you making connections between reputation and appearance and those negative stereotypes that render those who are homeless as not meeting certain societal expectations when it comes to appearance
-develop this more and consider including info on where the negative representations come from and to what extent do the influence a society's ability to interact and support those who are homelesss 

and yet there are still people like John from "Stories From the Streets." A man that, even though he served this country and is now homeless, states, “…I love the United States of America.” He keeps his love for the country, and some of us return that love by doing free food drives for the homeless, giving food to those who don’t usually have any.  --- consider how you can use John's story to inform your reader.  Can he serve as an example of someone who challenges negative stereotypes? If so ,his story will have to be developed a bit more. Is he an example of how we treat our veterans? Are you to narrow your topic to them? 
            And yet we have people such as Alexander Polinsky, who does not like having homeless people in his community.  If you give out free food on the street with no other services to deal with the collateral damage, you get hundreds of people beginning to squat,” he stated in November of 2013. When did it become and inconvenience to help those in needBy 2013 Los Angeles was home to roughly 57,735 homeless citizens, which was a large increase from the year before.

Villarreal, Claude “John – Stories From the Streets” November 12th 2013

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