Blogger #3
Hernandez, Nancy
English 105
America's beauty standards and its effects on women
In today's society we see nothing on social media but constant images of perfect women. We cannot open a magazine without seeing an ad who has a model with either perfect hair, smile, skin, or body representing it's product. We are also exposed to constant commercials advertising either diet pills or gyms. When women see these images or commercials, they feel like they have to look like those women to be beautiful in the society they live in. "Negative Effects of Media" by unknown blogger is the article i read. "The pressures put upon young women to look a certain way, especially while in college, can lead to self-esteem issues, eating disorders, and even death" this quote from the writer list only some of the effects America's beauty standards have on women. Some women will go under the knife over and over again to achieve what society believes is perfection. Some will over do it so much that they will eventually risk dying to achieve this perfection. Other women will starve themselves, even from a young age to be as skinny as the models they look up to. These women will starve themselves so much that it would lead them to major health problems or even death. And others will starve and overwork their bodies at the gym to have a perfect figure. America sets up beauty standards that are impossible to achieve even by the models themselves representing these standards. Because they too are photo shopped and made skinnier and more perfect then they really are. The standards of beauty we have in today's society need to change and need to start showing girls to love themselves, not hate their bodies. They need to represent that everyone is perfect no matter what skin color or shape they are. Everyone is beautiful in their own ways and it is time America realizes this.
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