Luce, Travis
Amanda Reyes
English 105
“The bully’s no longer have that face to face interaction in which they can see that they are hurting someone else’s feelings.”. With bully’s no longer having to face the consequences of their actions, they feel free to do whatever they please. A computer screen and a keyboard are their tools now, rather than the clichè fists and words. The anonymity on the internet disconnects a person from reality and allows them to feel like they are free to say whatever they want. In reality, there are human beings behind those screens who have feelings just like the rest of us, and in some cases you may hurt those feelings too much. A young person is not aware that they may just “walk away” from the social media when they are being bullied, social media is a part of almost every young person’s. It’s almost a life line to staying connected and updated with what’s going on. With bully’s no longer realizing there are consequences to their actions they feel as if they aren’t hurting anyone when they really are.
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