Friday, October 9, 2015

Nwana, Florence

Amanda Reyes

English 105

9 October 2015

Blogger 4

    Government and many organizations are working together to put a stop on spousal abuse.

Commission has conducted trainings to better equip lawyers to assist victims of domestic and sexual violence, provided legal resources to support lawyers who represent victims, connected lawyers with local organizations through For many victims of spouse abuse, the  victims are likely to feel guilt, shame, low self-esteem, and a conviction that they have somehow deserved their own damage or humiliation. Many feel a split sense of obligation, with their commitment to their abusive spouse overriding their original commitment to their own health and well-being.

While some victims prove strong, with unexpected emotional resources that allow them to reflection from abuse in surprising and healthy ways, the truth is that most victims suffer one form of dysfunctional reaction or another. This isn’t due to weakness, but due to the unnatural demands the abuse places on the victim As a result.

With the $150 million primarily going to funding a salary of highly trained and well experienced, lawyers and counselors for them to handle this issue called spousal abuse. The help of a trained, skilled counselor specializing in helping a victim deal with the many reactions and fears abuse causes can do much to improve the outcome for men and women who have faced spousal abuse.

  While few argue the for the victim of abuse, many fail to fully understand the need for a repentant or unwilling abuser to get therapy. As the aggressor, there is a tendency to assume the abuser is in full control, and wishes to cause the kind of harm he or she commits.

Unfortunately, many abusers are a miserable blend of willing and unwilling, in control but not in full self-awareness. Many honestly don’t know how else to deal with feelings they have been taught to channel into violent behavior, and many more are. Still others men and women alike have been taught by their cultures or family environment to regard the rights and full humanity of their spouses as irrelevant or non-existent.

     Within the period of the event the abusive spouse is often best helped by counseling. With both victim and abuser in need of counseling help, as quick as possible to start working on how to   start a new life, and often all family members needing attention, it is important to find a skilled counseling resource to provide the necessary aid. In many instances, the court system, state and county family services departments, hospitals, religious institutions, and other community groups can provide superb local references.

From the table this how the money can be channel through different categories


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