Friday, October 9, 2015

Blogger #4

Mithona Keng
Amanda Reyes

Gun Violence

   Guns have become a part of the American social fabric ever since the first wave of European settlers arrived to the new world in 1620.  When the founding fathers constituted the U.S. Constitution, they inducted the rights to bear arms as the country's second amendment.  They believed that a well armed population is necessary to establish the security of a free State.  They could never have foreseen the consequences that will plague the future generations.  America is the most armed nation in the entire world.  No other nations come close.  For every 100 people there are 88.8 firearms.  Gun violence and mass shootings have become an everyday occurrence in America.  Young men and women are being murdered every single day in America's communities and schools by guns that have fallen into the hands of deranged lunatics.
   There are many federal and private organizations across the U.S. that are trying to change gun law and regulate the sale of firearms which are seen by some as a threat to their second amendment rights.  Students For Concealed Carry On Campus is a national, non-partisan organization that has around 43,000 members which includes college students, professional, parents of college students, college employees, and concerned law abiding citizens.  Their goal is not to change the second amendment or put any restrictions on gun ownership but rather to get the states to allow state-issued concealed weapon license holders to carry their weapon on college campuses.  The organization believes that the best deterrent to stop a would be mass shooter is responsible people with concealed weapons.
   American people have grown accustomed and tired of all the gun violence that are occurring everyday across the U.S. that the idea of an organization that promotes people carrying concealed weapons is ludicrous.  But numerous studies that have been conducted by federal agencies and private groups have shown that concealed handgun license holders are five times less likely to commit violence crimes than non-concealed handgun license holders.  Their studies have also shown that the eleven U.S. college campuses that allow concealed weapons on their campuses have not seen a single shooting on their campuses in 88 semesters.  
   The truth is that preventing concealed weapons at schools only hurts law-abiding citizens and prevent them from being able to protect themselves and other people around them who might be saved if there are concealed weapon license holders around.  Students For Concealed Carry On Campus will use the $150 million to campaign to get the government to implement the change.  The money will also go to educating people about firearm safety and to inform concerned citizens.  Americans should not have to give up their rights to own firearms, after all firearms do not kill people, it is the mentally unstable people that kill people.  

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