Friday, October 2, 2015

Blogger # 3

Joli de Jesus

ENGL 105 - FRI

2 October 2015

People in general tend to create different types of stereotypes and discrimination,

they group people based on someone's body type, race, gender, etc. and one of them is

age. A prejudice against a certain age group and especially the elderly is call Ageism.

   What makes the topic of ageism interesting for me is that, I am fully aware that such

discrimination exists, but I know so little about it nonetheless. I wanted to learn more about

ageism because I realized that this is the field of discrimination where, one day if I am lucky

to get old, is going to come and affect me. Ageism is similar to the other kinds of

discrimination, people who are being discriminated because of their age are being unfairly

denied access to benefits. We often forget that seniors are not just consumers of our

resources, but they also pay taxes, work and do volunteer tasks just like the rest of us.

   However, There is a law against ageism. It is The Age Discrimination in Employment

act of 1967. It simply states that, an employer should not fail or refuse to hire and be 

deprived of privileges based on an individual's age. Unfortunately, some employers think 

that aging results to loss of ability. As a result, they fire older employees and just deny the 

fact that they were being fired because of their age.

   Older people should be treated with respect. They also contributors to our society.

The unique thing about ageism is that, it is a state that we are all going to arrive at. We also

have to remember that, experience never gets old.

Works Cited

Carewatchtoronto- What is Ageism? Voices of Senior Citizens & their Advocates”. Web.

Genre : Informative

Topics : Age , getting old , discrimination, awareness

Rhetorical Statement : Video , Article

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